Organisational - & Strategy Development
Every company needs a strategy to know the playing field it operates on and how to succeed in it. While asking the right questions is often easy, finding good answers can be challenging. A good strategy process ensures that the right questions are asked and answered. It involves making decisions, especially hard ones, such as determining what not to do or which customers to consciously stop serving. Once these decisions are made, changes within the company usually follow. Consistently and iteratively implementing these changes is critical to bringing the formulated strategy into daily reality.
Our approach to strategy development is divided into three steps:
Step 1: Strategy Formulation
Analyze internal and external conditions to develop an initial strategy formulation.
Step 2: Strategic Positioning
Based on the analysis from Step 1, key strategic decisions are made for the organization. This includes deciding on which markets to serve, for which customers, with which products and services, under what conditions.
Step 3: Strategy Implementation, Transformation & Controlling
The strategic decisions from Step 2 inevitably lead to necessary adjustments to the organization's goals, processes, and structures, and possibly its culture. To achieve and implement these, we need appropriate management and support systems, as well as strategic projects. Together with our clients, we develop a roadmap and control routines to track progress and design interventions as needed. Strategic controlling helps us determine when an adjustment to the strategy or a new strategic positioning is necessary.
Organisational- & Cultural Development
Organisations often feel that the existing culture does not fully support their strategic alignment and goal achievement. We often hear that people in the organisation "don’t have the right mindset." In our view, influencing culture involves more than just changing mindsets. Culture is shaped by the implicit and explicit rules and systems created to provide structure and orientation. To sustainably influence and change culture, these rules and systems must be reviewed and courageously adapted to enable new behaviors.
Our cultural development process involves four steps:
Step 1: Cultural Analysis
We create a cultural analysis based on 11 fundamental dimensions, such as values and beliefs, norms and behaviors, symbols and artifacts, power structures, leadership style, work environment, innovation readiness, employee relationships, customer orientation, learning culture, and diversity and inclusion.
Step 2: Alignment of Vision, Mission, Strategy with Structure and Culture
We assess the alignment of vision, mission, and strategy with structure and culture. From this, we derive hypotheses and developmental directions for creating a culture that ideally supports the organisation’s strategic challenges.
Step 3: Targeted Measures and Interventions
Based on a specific cultural focus, we develop measures and interventions to steer the culture in the desired direction.
Step 4: Review and Adjustment
We review the measures and interventions, derive new hypotheses, and implement further actions based on the findings.
Organisational Transformation
Change is a fundamental capability for an organisation to remain successful in the long term. We view change as an ongoing process, not a one-time project. Therefore, every organization must continue to develop its ability to initiate and manage change. The goal of any meaningful transformation is to identify internal and external dynamics and make the organisation more robust.
Our transformation consulting process consists of four steps:
Dialogical contract analysis with the client system.
Diagnosis of the current situation.
Co-creation of the transformation roadmap.
Iterative implementation of the roadmap in sprints.
We begin with understanding the client system and its pain points. Then, we conduct a comprehensive diagnosis from the perspective of key stakeholders, identifying hypotheses for change. We co-create a roadmap for transformation and implement it iteratively, learning from each sprint.
Leadership Development
Every organizational form requires a suitable leadership approach. Whether it's a startup, hierarchy, matrix, or agile organization, leadership is essential, but in different forms and functions. Unfortunately, we often see leadership styles that no longer fit new organizational forms but are still adhered to.
Leadership development follows three steps:
Analyze the fit between the structure, culture, and leadership of the client system concerning upcoming challenges.
Develop a target leadership culture and design a meaningful learning journey for the organization’s leaders based on identified gaps.
Evaluate the effectiveness of measures and interventions along the learning journey, deriving hypotheses and necessary adjustments.
As humans, we usually do a health check once a year to determine our physical and psychological status and, if necessary, to make changes to our habits in order to remain healthy. Likewise, every team needs a regular health check to determine its own status and to determine what it wants to continue doing as before, what should be changed or what needs to be newly developed in order to continue to be successful together.
We implement this team health check in 3 steps. In the first step, we reflect together with the team on the status in terms of 4 dimensions: inside - outside - process - task.
In detail, we look at five core tasks of the team and try to determine how good the team is at them:
Alignment: Clarifying the purpose and roles of the team in the organization.
Collective leadership: Ensuring that the team works together and makes decisions collectively.
Stakeholder management: Focus on the needs and expectations of external and internal stakeholders.
Continuous learning: Continuous improvement through reflection and learning from experience.
Team coaching process: Introduction of a systematic coaching process that promotes the development of the team.
Once we have determined what is going well and where the pain points are, we then use this to determine what the team wants to keep, change or develop. We ensure that there is a commitment to this action plan and back it up with an implementation schedule that is suitable for the team.
In the third step, the team agrees on suitable reflection loops to check whether the measures have taken effect and whether the expected changes have occurred. The findings of the respective reflection loops result in an adjustment of the further action plan.
Individual Coaching & Sparring
As a person in different roles in organizations, you often need a neutral sparring partner to deal with the diverse challenges and expectations of stakeholders. Added to this is the development of your own personality over the course of different phases of life. This mixture sometimes leads to excessive demands and stress, which can be better dealt with successfully with professional support.
We carry out this personal psychological health check in 3 steps. In the first step, we analyse together what the initial situation is and which forces and dynamics affect the personality. This step can be supplemented by other psychological tools such as the REISS profile or the LINC test in order to gain deeper insights into the personality.
Once we have determined what is going well, where the person's strengths lie and where the pain points are, we then use this to determine what goals the person has in mind and what they would like to keep, change or develop.
In the second step, we develop options for achieving this goal, help to make decisions and offer suitable reflection loops to check whether the measures have taken effect and whether the expected changes have occurred. The further approach in coaching is determined from the findings of the respective reflection loops.